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The start of it all. without spices it just plain old food, with them its a delight, an art and of course it tastes better with spice.

As for dry spices, i use a lot of garlic powder, a lot of turmeric and paprika, sea salt and pepper help round out our dry spices, keep them around, they are a good selection I also keep cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, some parsely and onion powder.    



Marinades make multiple tastes possible. You do not have to be a saucier to make awesome tasting food, combiine some of your favorite marinades and Voila! you have made something original, without the whole mess of time, cost and effort. Take it from me. This whole thing got started with leftover chcken, BBQ sauce, ketchup and some other crap from the Demirjian's kitchen when i was 18.   


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Maybe you don't what it takes to be a waterman. Well it takes all the time and effort of working out in the gym, with the addition of powerful waves, currents and the occasional shark.

The strongest and fittest people are often athletes in the water. This year I Invite you to coe join me in the water, where I will be getting back into shape, by paddling, surfing, foiling, learning to kite and more. Come learn the one thing you always wanted to do. The lessons are on me and we will make a video together. Just reach out and come be my guest and learn a little about finance too.          

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 Holistic fitness is an approach to wellness that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It goes beyond simply focusing on physical strength and incorporates various activities to promote overall balance and harmony in one's life. This approach recognizes that different individuals may find fulfillment and achieve fitness goals through diverse practices. Let's explore how gym work, pole dancing, pilates, and yoga contribute to holistic fitness.

Gym Work: Gym workouts offer a structured environment with a wide range of equipment and exercise options. Weightlifting, cardiovascular exercises, and resistance training at the gym can help build strength, endurance, and improve overall fitness levels. With the guidance of trained professionals, gym work provides an opportunity to set specific fitness goals, track progress, and challenge oneself physically.

Dance: Pole dancing, zumba, ballet and the like are forms of exercise that combine elements of strength training, acrobatics, and dance. These more artistic forms of exercise require a considerable amount of upper body and core strength to execute various moves and tricks onte pole floor or bar. In addition to building physical strength, they can enhance flexibility, coordination, body awareness, and self-confidence. It is a unique and empowering workout that promotes self-expression and body positivity.

Pilates: Pilates is a low-impact exercise method that focuses on strengthening the core, improving posture, and enhancing flexibility. It involves controlled movements using specialized equipment or mat exercises. Pilates emphasizes proper alignment, breath control, and concentration. This practice improves body awareness, tones muscles, and promotes stability and balance, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking a gentle yet effective workout.

Yoga: Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation. It offers a holistic approach to fitness by promoting strength, flexibility, balance, and relaxation. Yoga not only enhances physical fitness but also fosters mental calmness, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. It encourages mindfulness and introspection, helping individuals connect with their bodies and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

By incorporating gym work, pole dancing, pilates, and yoga into a holistic fitness routine, one can experience a well-rounded approach to well-being. Each of these practices offers unique benefits, allowing individuals to find activities that resonate with their interests, goals, and preferences. The combination of strength training, dance, mindful movement, and relaxation techniques contributes to physical fitness, mental clarity, body confidence, and overall harmony in one's life. It's essential to consult with trained professionals or instructors to ensure proper technique, form, and safety when practicing these activities. Additionally, listening to your body's needs, honoring limitations, and gradually progressing in intensity can lead to a sustainable and rewarding fitness journey. Remember, holistic fitness is about finding joy, balance, and self-care, allowing you to thrive in all aspects of your life.


 Working out in the water is our favorite type of fitness. Water sports such as surfing kitesurfing, wing foiling and paddle boarding offer a unique and engaging way to stay in shape while enjoying the great outdoors. Let's explore why these activities can be a fantastic choice for physical fitness.

Full-Body Workout: Surfing and paddle boarding engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. Balancing on a board and paddling through the water require the activation of core muscles, arms, shoulders, and legs. These activities help you build strength, endurance, and improve overall flexibility. Cardiovascular Health: Water sports involve continuous movement and paddling against the resistance of the water, which elevates your heart rate and promotes cardiovascular fitness. These activities improve lung capacity, enhance circulation, and help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Low-Impact

Exercise: One significant advantage of water sports is their low-impact nature. The buoyancy of the water reduces stress on joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with joint or mobility issues. This makes surfing and paddle boarding excellent choices for those looking for a low-impact workout that still provides significant fitness benefits. Mental Well-being: Engaging in water sports offers more than just physical benefits; it also contributes to mental well-being. Being in nature and enjoying the calming influence of water can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental health. The challenges and excitement associated with surfing and paddle boarding also offer a sense of achievement and satisfaction, leading to a positive mindset. Fun and Variety: Traditional gym workouts can sometimes become monotonous and boring, leading to decreased motivation and adherence. Water sports, on the other hand, provide a fun and exhilarating experience that keeps you engaged and excited about staying active. The constantly changing water conditions and the joy of catching a wave or exploring new areas on a paddleboard add a sense of adventure and variety to your fitness routine.

Participating in water sports often brings individuals together, creating a sense of community and connection. Surfing or paddle boarding with friends or joining local groups can foster social interactions, which is essential for overall well-being. Sharing experiences, learning from others, and encouraging one another can further enhance the enjoyment and benefits of these activities. It is important to note that while water sports like surfing and paddle boarding provide excellent exercise opportunities, it is always essential to prioritize safety. It is crucial to receive proper training, understand water conditions, and use appropriate safety equipment to enjoy these activities safely. In conclusion, while the gym is a popular option for maintaining physical fitness, water sports like surfing and paddle boarding offer a refreshing and enjoyable alternative. With comprehensive full-body workouts, cardiovascular benefits, low-impact exercise, mental well-being, and the fun and variety they provide, these activities can help you stay fit while indulging in the beauty of nature and connecting with a vibrant community.